So lazy I am!

Cannot image I have not written anything for such a long time!These days my primary task, almost the only task, is to pass the IELTS exam. Although I have got big improvement, now I can pass the L...

Nanjing Massacre

We can not forget the huge disaster in human history, and we must remember what Japan had done to us. We hope both countries could have a better future, while I think we have to do enough preparation ...

Pass the 1Z0-060 today

Today I took the 1Z0-060 test and passed it finally.I did feel great pressure before the test, as I still had so many things to learn until last night. I spent the whole last night to confirm some...

Some changes to this website

From the first deployment, I have not modified anything over half year.Today I found when I opened the website, the homepage did appear slowly, and I was waiting for Google fonts. Another issue ca...